
Tattoo care

A tattoo is not only a beautiful design on the skin, but also a serious intervention in its structure. Therefore, in order for the tattoo to heal well and not lose its brightness and clarity, you need to properly care for it in the first days and weeks after the session.

There are several ways to care for a tattoo, which depend on the type of tattoo, location of application, individual skin characteristics and client preferences. We will tell you about the most popular and effective of them.

Method 1. Healing film for tattoo

Tattoo healing film is a special film that is applied to a fresh tattoo to protect it from infection and speed up the healing process.

It allows air to pass through, but not water, so the tattoo does not dry out or become irritated, and creates optimal conditions for skin healing, protecting the tattoo from infection, dryness, friction and moisture. The healing film can remain on the tattoo for up to 5 days, after which it must be carefully removed and you continue to care for the tattoo in the usual way.

Healing film has a number of advantages, such as:

Fast and high-quality healing of the skin without scars, crusts and peeling

Better preservation of the color and contour of the tattoo

Less pain, itching and irritation of the skin

Less risk of inflammation, infection and allergies

Convenience and comfort while wearing the film

Aesthetic appearance of the tattoo

In order to properly use the healing film, you will need to follow the instructions of your tattoo artist, who will apply it to your tattoo immediately after the session.

Method 2. Diaper

After finishing the work, the artist will glue a disposable diaper to your tattoo area. She will stay with you for approximately 4-8 hours. After the specified time has passed, you will need to remove it yourself and treat the tattooed area.

Perform the procedure with clean hands to avoid infection.

Remove the diaper very carefully, since plasma will appear in the tattoo area during skin regeneration. There is no escape from the physical healing process of the skin, this is normal.

Do not try to tear off the bandage with sudden movements.

Do this gradually to avoid damaging the healed tissue.

Next, you need to wash the surface of the tattoo. To do this, you can dilute a light soap solution and gently rinse it with smooth movements of your palms. The main condition is not to use alcohol impurities in the solution and not to press too hard on the drawing.

Blot the image with a paper towel to remove any excess water.

You should wait until it dries completely and lubricate the surface with healing ointment to ensure faster and better healing of the tattoo (you can use pharmaceutical preparations, for example, Bepanten Plus). But we still advise you to use a special ointment to restore fresh tattoos.

For example – Doctor Pro from Tattoo Pharma or Olastic from Tattoo Revive. What makes them special is that they were designed specifically to help tattoos heal!

What is the difference? - The fact is that they provide excellent preservation of the color and outline of the work. Plus, they are quickly absorbed into the skin and provide it with comfort. They can continue to be used after healing to protect against fading.

After the ointment, reapply the disposable diaper and secure it with a bandage.

Repeat this procedure 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening! For three days!

After this, continue to use the ointment for at least 2 weeks!

The process of skin regeneration occurs differently for everyone, it all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Therefore, if you see good healing progress, you can stop using the diaper and continue to use only the ointment.

While the tattoo is healing,

you should briefly refrain from:

1. Intense sports loads;

2. Contact with animals to avoid mechanical damage to the tattoo;

3. Swimming pool, sauna, solarium, bath procedures - all this after healing.

4. Take a quick, warm shower so as not to over-steam your skin;

5. Protect yourself from sunlight and direct contact with your tattoo. And always carry sun protection with you to the beach so that the design does not fade or lose the richness of its colors.

Remember that proper care is the key to success! See the memo on our website. Follow the instructions and be happy!